Say No to Purging for Hours
Swissgarde African Potato will harden your stool immediately after taking it. It prevents next scheduled visit to toilet as a result of purging. This is what I experienced on Saturday Night (15th April 2017) after taking just two tablets. I believe it will work for you and anybody that wants to avoid embarrasment of irregular visit to toilet especially while on transit. The Product- African Potato capsules contains hypoxis extract, phytosterols and sterolins. Traditional African healers have been using the African Potato plant for centuries and swear by its great healing and protective powers. It is formulated with special features and ingredients that are suitable to climactic region of Africa. Health Benefits : 1. African Potato has anti-malaria, anti-typhoid and anti-fever properties 2. It prevents against Tuberculosis and any coughing infection 3. It is helpful to HIV/AIDS positive patient to depressed immunity 4. It builds up the body immune system ...